EV market outlook

Welcome to Trade data insights. We serve the needs of marketing, sales and suppliers alike

IMMANA’s aim is always to offer our clients exceptional insights. Information that hardly any other market intelligence agency is able to provide and that is compiled and interpreted according to an individual client’s needs. 

Our transaction-level trade data enable investors, industrial and trading companies to gain new insights into competitors, potential partners and business risks & opportunities.

IMMANA provides access to valuable global data sources. Customers acquire detailed and reliable information which will pay off in savings and competitive advantages. 

Our trade data-backed services support clients interested in the following aspects:

Depth of available data

The following simplified data sample illustrates the level of detail which is accessible through IMMANA. Individual data samples of your area of interest can be requested by here.

Learn more about typical use-cases:

Lieferanten Suppliers Sourcing Lieferantensuche
For Suppliers
Sales & Marketing
Competition & others

What makes IMMANA data services unique?

International trade data provide information that can answer a wide range of business inquiries. Unlike aggregated data from conventional marketing intelligence providers, our data represents trade transactions between individuals. IMMANA will make these valuable sources accessible to our clients. By this knowledge, clients gain clear advantages in tough global competition.

On behalf of our valued clients we shed light on your customer’s, supplier’s or competitor’s actual market transactions: „Who delivers what, to whom, in what quantities and at which prices?“. IMMANA cooperates with international sources that without our guidance would remain inaccessible to our clients.

Our comprehensive reports serve to efficiently initiate new business relations, facilitate profitable negotiations and help gain a profound understanding of your focus market. 

Thus, IMMANA reports help customers economize on resources in purchasing, sales and business development. Last but not least, clients may challenge and strengthen their confidence in information obtained by classical marketing instruments.

Did you become curious? Give us a try!